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and me


À propos

L'aventure a commencé il y a 10  ans, suite à la rencontre providentielle d'un français qui animait et gérait un atelier associatif proche de l'Atlas marocain. Il me racontait avec passion son engagement pour ce petit village berbère proche de l'Atlas où l'atelier de broderie est un lieu de vie, de socialisation et d'émancipation des femmes du villageDans ce village musulman se trouvent un atelier de broderie, mais aussi un monastère qui accueille des pèlerins curieux de cette osmose religieuse de longue date

Attirée par les tissus et la couture depuis toute petite, j'ai appris à broder sur des chiffons des fruits et des animaux sur les genoux de ma grand-mère. Plus tard, cela ne m'a pas quitté car mon premier job je l'ai choisi dans le secteur textile, c'était dans mon sang ! Puis j'ai plongé avec bonheur dans l'univers de la déco comme acheteuse textile maison au Bon Marché, du linge de maison aux accessoires textile déco, je me suis régalée...

Cela explique certainement mon coup de cœur pour ce linge artisanal brodé main; je l’ai trouvé tellement différent de tout ce qui existait...raffiné, moderne, intemporel. Et quel travail minutieux, précieux et artistique finalement !

A ce moment-là, je ne savais pas qu'au Maroc, la broderie était un art traditionnel ancré dans la culture populaire marocaine, transmis de génération en génération et dont chacun garde les secrets comme un héritage. Cette idée de participer à la transmission de ce savoir-faire ancestral m'a séduite ...


The adventure began 6 years ago, following abeautiful encounter...a Frenchman living in Morocco showed me the linen embroidered byTazert workshopand told me about his commitment to this village near the Atlas.

Passionate about decorative textiles, having cut my teeth in in-house purchases at Bon Marché, I had aheart strokefor thebeauty of this hand-embroidered linen; I found it so different from anything that existed...refined and modern!

Driven from a young age by the desire to help others, I was seduced by thehuman side of the project:

thesupport for women and the whole villageby selling the products of this local association*, around the embroidery workshop.

A few weeks later, I jumped on a plane to Tazert, a village of about 3,500 inhabitants near the Atlas. In this Muslim village there is an embroidery workshop, but also a monastery which welcomes pilgrims curious about this long-standing religious osmosis. I met the fairy-fingered embroiderers, some children from the village, playing in the patio of the workshop near their mothers. I felt the joy of these women, happy to work while conversing, laughing, singing! I came back home with linen to sell in my luggage, and the adventure began… Home sales, designer sales, school sales and finally thebirth of the embroiderers!


My commitments

1. Participate in the emancipation of the embroiderers of the workshop, through the creation and sale of my household linen collections. Improve living conditions in the village.

2. Run my small business selflessly,that is to say apply a minimum margin to bring the merchant site to life and promote the Embroiderers.

3. Prioritize the quality of materials,by the exclusive choice of noble fabrics such as 100% linen and long fiber Egyptian cotton percale. Durability and great comfort guaranteed...

4. Highlight the know-how of embroiderers by choosing from among the twenty embroideries they know how to make and thus perpetuate the ancestral know-how of Moroccan embroidery.

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*The association in Morocco

The "La lumière de Tazert" association, created in 1998 by villagers, aims to support the women who work in the Tazert workshop by giving them a salary and a workplace outside their homes to enable them to emancipate; thus they do not need to leave their village to work in Marrakech.

In addition to training in traditional Moroccan embroidery, the workshop offers them literacy and computerization courses. To date, more than 100 women have been trained in hand embroidery thanks to the association.

More broadly, what the association does for the village:
- participate in economic, cultural, educational, sporting and social development, 
- manage and optimize the use of water resources and waste.

Broderies réalisées à la main dans un atelier
au Maroc


Soutien aux femmes d'une association locale


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